Internet battles, are going on everyday in this race to be the super-power of the Internet.
Whether the conflicts be secretive or not, the conflicts are there!
But even the secret attacks, can get sought out and exploited; and that's exactly what an Australian Competition Watchdog did to Google.
With eBay's upcoming idea of having it's users use the Paypal system to place bids and deal with money, speculation over the smartness of this decision is arising. And from some of the most unlikely people.
The Submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) website on the 11th of April, was a 38 page submission, explaining and showing how if this proposition of Pay-pal only was given the go, that it would not be beneficial to the net public.
The submission was a Anonymous submission, with the users identity withheld. Or so they thought.
The submission was sent as a .PDF file, and the Australian Commission, was then able to see who sent this, by the Internet fingerprint, found on the .PDF submission, that actually linked the submission, slating and disagreeing with the decisions of eBay, to come from a Google address, showing that Google, a huge power already, is sending anonymous attacks to it's rivals.
One piece of meta data:
"Microsoft Word - 204481916_1_ACCC Submission by Google re eBay Public _2_.DOC"
Was found. Now the fresh conflict between eBay and Google has started.
Big mistake by Google? Or is the Pay-Pal move, really that much of a bad decision.
We shall see in the time coming up, when the battle between these two super powers begins.
For a more detailed report of this click here.
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